Nutri-Pak® Fertilizer Packets in Fond du Lac, WI
Our slow-release Nutri-Pak® fertilizer packets were scientifically designed over 50 years ago with certified studies and lab results. Nutri-Pak® has been on the market for the past 30+ years and is currently manufactured by Kirkwood Industries, Inc., based in Fond du Lac, WI. The “Nutri-Pak®” name is a trademark owned by Kirkwood Industries, Inc.
Nutri-Pak® fertilizer packets have a revolutionary method of delivering nutrients to a plant’s root zone. This method guarantees that nutrient loss due to leaching or runoff is averted. The cost of labor and supplies is reduced and damage to the plant from too much fertilizer is eliminated. Nutri-Pak® is safer for you because the fertilizer packets are installed unopened. So you can be sure that there is no direct contact with the fertilizer. Nutri-Pak® is safer for the environment because, of the very controlled release, no surface or groundwater contamination occurs. occurs.
Contact us if you are interested in availing our Nutri-Pak® products or being one of our commercial suppliers and distributors for national or international sales.
Nutri-Pak® Hazard-proof Packets
Nutri-Pak® virtually eliminates groundwater and surface pollution, by containing the nutrients in a "sealed" micro-pore packet. The fertilizer is released through the micro-pores at the same rate as the plants' needs. No matter how much water (rain or irrigation) passes through the soil, only a very small amount of fertilizer seeps out of the packet and goes directly to the root zone of the plant for uptake. No runoff. No leaching. And valuable nutrients are always available to sustain the plant’s nutrition.
Conventional Fertilizing Methods
When fertilizer is used in block or spike form or broadcast topically, it breaks apart quickly - allowing irrigation or rainfall to wash nutrients through the soil and into our vital groundwater supply. Even worse, topically broadcast fertilizers will often run off directly into storm sewers, as well as rivers, lakes, and streams. Consequently, the valuable nutrients may not be available to the plantings. With Nutri-Pak® fertilizer packets in Fond du Lac, WI, we are changing the traditional way of gardening and fertilizing for the better because it is safer and environment-friendly.
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Trees, Shrubs, & Evergreens

Fruit, Nut & Flowering Trees/Shrubs

Roses & Flowering Plants

Palm Trees